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The Abyss is not going to reveal its secrets for nothing. So, what is the nature of the Abyss? What does it have to do with our heroes? And how does it bring them together?Įvery battle tells its part of the story. Will you be able to piece it back together?Įvery single phenomenon in the game-from the quietest of sounds to the biggest of bosses-is just a cover hiding the story of this world. And just as the world of Ashen Knights is a myriad of remote isles shattered by the Abyss, its narrative is a grim and mysterious puzzle made of numerous manifestations.

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Playing as different characters, you'll feel how your battle drive gets replaced with crippling anxiety that slowly transforms into blinding rage.Īll of your emotions, every sound, every note, and every detail are a hidden message from the game world. In Ashen Knights, the gameplay is but a way to share and express emotions. Bored without a decent challenge? Try slaying an enemy ten times stronger than you are. Tired of managing your stamina and scrupulously calculating your attacks? The game will grant you an opportunity to destroy foes in dozens with a single sweep of your weapon. TRY IT OUT!Īshen Knights is a unique mixture of two complementary gameplays. But every choice is followed by its consequences. A long time ago, Ashen Knights chose their path: to serve humanity and protect themselves and their loved ones. Ashen Knights: One Passage FeaturesĪbout the GameIn the world devoured by the Abyss, humans either fight or die. Click the 'Get' button then you could get the latest best deals at GameDeal.

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You can download Ashen Knights: One Passage and top steam games with GameLoop to play on PC. Get Ashen Knights: One Passage steam gameĪshen Knights: One Passage, is a popular steam game developed by Ashen Knights: One Passage.

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